Genealogy at SWITALA .de / .net / .org
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Generell Info
Andre Switala, Germany
other Switala findings
Schwitalla findings
Research Contacts

Welcome to the genealogy section of this page. We will try to present research on ancestors of different persons as well as collected information on the surnames from different sources. Whenever I find any new name with the surnames Switala, Switalla, Schwitalla and so on I keep it just in case someone will need it in the future. So we will add this here too.

What we also plan is, to get the information downloadable and we will prefer to provide this in the gedcom format. This will help everyone to add the searched name to their individual databases.

It is clear that the more people work on the Switala (and other names) genealogy project the faster we will get the info we are looking for. So any help on names, on this homepage and everything else is very much appreciated. Why don't you start looking at the surname message boards at It is free to share your information there:

Switala surname message board

Switalski surname message board

Schwitalla surname message board

I wish you good luck on your research and I am looking forward to contact you on email or any other way.

Andre Switala